Braids braiding device toy with beads - hairdressing set

Braids braiding device toy with beads - hairdressing set Braids braiding device toy with beads - hairdressing set
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Product description

A great set for creating original hairstyles. The set includes a tool for braiding braids, many beads and various hair decorations, threads and a small comb. An automatic braiding machine helps you do your own hair.
The machine not only weaves flagella, but real braids. It is easy to use and in just a few simple steps you can create incredible braids. From bright beads, the device allows your child to create various creative hair strands.

-electric machine 1 piece
-wires 3 pieces
-hair clips 5 pieces
-nozzle for winding wires 3 pieces
-beads 80 pieces
- elastic bands 20 pieces
-comb 1 piece

Packaging: 38.5*33.5*8cm

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Product number: 917

Condition: nieuw

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